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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Able Writers' Day with Brian Moses

On Monday 26th March, four of our Year 3 children took part in an Able Writers’ Day.

On Monday 26th March, four of our Year 3 children took part in an Able Writers’ Day at Stocks Green Primary School. They were led by the poet Brian Moses and they wrote numerous poems throughout the day. A warm up activity to get their creative juices flowing was to write about what was in their marble. Apparently there were lots of rainbows, unicorns and wizards!

A favourite, of one of the children who attended the day, was the poem they wrote entitled, My Secret. I wonder what you would write for your secret?

A massive thank you to the parents for getting the children there and Mrs Gardiner who supported the children throughout the day.

Here is a link to Brian Moses' blog and his website if you would like to know more.