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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to the class page of Year 2

2 Juniper,  2 Poplar and  2 Yew

A warm welcome to Year Two - we look forward to getting to know you and your child better during the year. Please keep an eye on this page and classroom noticeboards for information.

2 Juniper are taught by Miss J Castle (

2 Poplar are taught by Miss G Gould (

2 Yew are taught by Mrs J Howe ( and Mr D Cook ( Mrs Howe will usually be in class on Monday and Tuesday and Mr Cook will usually be in class on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Mrs C Broad, Ms C Glasscoe, Mrs D Luff, Mrs K Mayhook and Mrs S Puttock will be supporting teaching and learning throughout the year group.

Mrs C Brooks (RE) and Mrs L Richards (Music) will also be teaching in Year Two on Wednesday mornings. Wednesday morning PE will also be taught by a specialist teacher.

Useful information

School book bags are sufficient to carry belongings to school - please save buying rucksacks until key stage two.

PE -Children need to come to school in PE kit on the relevant days. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed. PE days are as follows:

  • Juniper class - Monday and Wednesday.
  • Poplar class - Wednesday and Friday.
  • Yew class - Wednesday and Friday.

Homework - All homework will be handed out on a Friday and is due back by Tuesday. There will usually be some Maths which will reinforce class teaching.

Spellings will come home on a Friday and be tested on the following Friday. Your children should have their spelling words in their homework folders. If they have not appeared please speak to your child's class teacher or check the attachments below. 

Children will be expected to prepare one piece of Speaking and Listening each term. The rota will be arriving home via 'book bag post' but is also attached below.

Reading - Please continue to read with your child every day. Ideally this should be a calm time that you can both enjoy. We know that children who both read and are read to regularly and see adults reading make the best readers themselves. 

The children will have access to new Star Books this year. The list of these is below. We encourage you to read the books with/to your child as they meant to be challenging and expand children's understanding and vocabulary. There is no rush to complete these books - please take the opportunity to enjoy them with your child.

Uniform - Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled as it helps the children to identify their own belongings. PE kit should be supplemented by warm joggers and sweatshirts in colder months. Please remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months. Also, please encourage your child to bring a named water bottle to school every day. This should only contain water.

Medication - Please let the school office and your child's class teacher know if your child has any condition requiring medication, including allergies or asthma. If your child needs to be on a course of medication then please complete the relevant form which is kept in the school office.