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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Forest School

At Woodlands, we believe everybody should have regular access to a woodland or natural environment which provides them with inspirational and challenging outdoor learning opportunities. We aim to include these as much as possible across the curriculum. There are also after-school clubs designed to give children hands-on experiences in a natural environment beyond the curriculum.

We have fully qualified Forest School Leaders who are able to provide programmes which promote holistic development in the children increasing their resilience and independence while helping them become more creative learners. Forest School is a learning process that offers children regular opportunities to explore and investigate in a woodland environment. It offers a learner centred approach, where children are given the opportunity to develop their curiosity, confidence, self-esteem, creativity, empathy, communication skills, knowledge of the natural environment and ability to assess and manage risk. Therefore, at Woodlands Primary, we aim to ensure all children participate in Forest School programmes at different points during their time with us.