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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Curriculum Impact

We conduct monitoring of our curriculum because we want to use our findings to help us unpick what is and is not working, so that we can make adjustments to our planning, our intent or our implementation in the future. Our curriculum development is never seen as complete and so our monitoring is a critical feature to ensure we are evaluating it and improving it all the time. Consequently, the monitoring will always feed into future action plans.

We have decided to use a range of (predominantly) qualitative measures to build our understanding of how successfully we are implementing our curriculum and its impact on our pupils. We supplement this with some quantitative data, but we collect this in ways designed to be efficient and not impact unduly on workload.

The monitoring of our curriculum is an ongoing process carried out by a range staff and governors, looking at different elements, using varied methodology to establish a rounded picture of its impact. The triangulation of this monitoring data is pulled together by the curriculum leader and this information is presented to and discussed with the headteacher and governors annually.

The use of pupil voice in our monitoring is particularly important and influential in the judgements we make. By talking to and listening to the responses of our pupils, we can be more objective in our impact assessments. For example, conversations can show us if children have remembered key concepts and vocabulary over time. 

For specific information on what we teach in each year group, please visit the Year Group Pages.

To look at our approach to different subjects, visit here.