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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School



Welcome to the Woodlands PTA, just being a parent means you are already involved!  We are a charity fundraising committee run by parents and staff. Our aim is to raise funds to supplement the school’s funding and provide much needed resources and activities. 

Do you know how much the PTA really does for all of the children? 

These are some of the activities the PTA organise to raise money and offer support to school to help enrich the children's time at Woodlands 

  • Christmas and summer fairs 
  • Fireworks night 
  • Refreshments at the Nativities and Carol service 
  • Christmas ‘secret’ gift buying for the children 
  • Personalised Christmas cards  
  • School discos  
  • Bags2School clothing collections 
  • Social events such as bingo and quiz nights 
  • Dragon boat race 
  • Sports day ice pops for the children 
  • Coffee mornings 
  • 2nd hand uniform shop 
  • Year 6 leavers party and gifts 
  • And much more……… 

These are all only possible with the support of parents alongside the School staff. 

The PTA is currently raising funds to continue to help the school improve the KS2 area and build an outside changing area and to regenerate the toilet block - not the most exciting but very much needed and will make such a difference for the children. Last year we manage to raise an amazing £22,412.89 - we are aiming for a similar amount this year which will all go towards helping make the school a better place for our children 

Upcoming EVENTS 

The first two terms back are full of fun and festive Cheer! 

There will be disco's, Christmas cards, Fireworks, secret presents, shows and the Christmas Fair. We also have a pre-loved uniform once a term. Please keep an eye out for details on events via the schools communications, or email us!  


Any amount of time you can give is invaluable whether it's half an hour to help serve refreshments, coming along to the meetings, folding raffle tickets, sharing your ideas or helping to run an event. It is all greatly appreciated and very much needed, the more help we have the more we can do!  

We always welcome new members to the committee, even if you can only spare a small amount of time.  Please email us at if you would like to get involved  

Next Committee Meeting:  Tuesday 12th September, 2023 

Please contact us at: and don’t forget to like our Facebook page: for up to date event information