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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School


The curriculum represents the totality of the experience of the child within schooling. It is anything that is planned and designed to sequentially improve pupils’ knowledge and skills. At Woodlands, pupils have access to an enriched educational experience.

The image below summarises what our curriculum encompasses in its entirety. At the bottom in the blue circle is our central aim: to create happy, kind people, who show resilience in the face of challenge and who strive to be the best version of themselves. Wrapped around our central aim are three broad aspects of our curriculum: Personal Development, The National Curriculum and Extra-Curricular.

Personal Development is consistently promoted at Woodlands. We want our pupils to grow into responsible, respectful and active people who are able to play their part and become involved in public life as adults. We also aim to help develop pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy. Every interaction we have with pupils helps them on this journey, but there are a number of deliberately planned strategies, which are central to Personal Development, including (amongst others) the integration of our two big ideas (diversity and culture), our Jigsaw PHSE programme and the dissemination of our core values in assemblies.

Every National Curriculum subject is valued and taught consistently across the school. Reading is at the heart of all we do and it features across our curriculum. English and mathematics are the bedrock of primary education and we prioritise the acquisition of key knowledge in these subjects. However, we are insistent that our pupils experience a rich and varied educational experience encompassing all subjects, which provides them with sufficient time for deep learning to occur.

There is also a diverse Extra-curricular menu of activities in place that strengthens our offer. Pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences and opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests. There is a strong take-up by pupils of the opportunities provided and our disadvantaged pupils consistently benefit.

For specific information on what we teach in each year group, please visit the Year Group Pages.

For more information on the rationale of our curriculum, please see our curriculum intent and to look at our approach to different subjects, visit here.