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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Parent Information Meetings

We hold a range of information meetings for parents across the year.  Each year group holds a meeting at the start of the year, and these meetings are supplemented with additional meetings for key events, e.g. residential, SATs, Kent Test, Secondary Transfer. 

We also hold subject-specific meetings such as phonics and PSHE.

In addition, we hold parent information meetings from time to time around specific aspects of school life and all parents are invited to attend.  It is usually held in the evening or via Teams and its aim is to involve parents in helping the school to evaluate its provision and help shape the future of the school. 

Topics which have been discussed over the past few years have included LGBT, Zones of Regulation, Our Behaviour Approach (see behaviour tab), and Social, Emotional and Mental Health in Children.  Dates of the meetings and the theme are advertised in the weekly newsletter.