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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Learn, explore and
grow together

Staff Wellbeing

Woodlands is a community of hard-working, caring staff. Our fabulous staff give over and above to meet the needs of our pupils, help them to feel valued and happy, and they support the wider family.  All roles in primary schools can be emotionally and physically challenging at times, so our leadership team ensure that staff are well looked after.

See below for our workload charter, which outlines how we ensure workload is kept in check as far as possible.  In addition to this, we provide the following support for staff:

  • Regular CPD (professional development) to ensure skill levels are high and staff are prepared for their roles
  • Extensive leadership structure to provide on-the-ground support when required
  • Specific training on mental health and wellbeing
  • Supervision by both internal and external providers

The following are optional extras:

  • Pilates session once a week
  • Core strength exercise session once a week
  • Recalibrate Programme (looking at how to improve 12 areas of health and wellbeing)
  • Guardian Angel Scheme (staff allocated an anonymous colleague to give regular thoughtful gifts and gestures to lift spirits)
  • Social events e.g. trips to the theatre, comedy night, dinner and dancing